Wednesday, January 03, 2007

A reply from the David Suzuki Foundation on carbon offsets

Thanks to Paul Lingl of the David Suzuki Foundation who replied to me today on the question I had about buying carbon offsets. (See my earlier post, "I flew. Now what? George Monbiot vs. David Suzuki and the "carbon offsets" question"). Like Monbiot, it turns out that the Suzuki people also have concerns about carbon sequestration. They prefer other approaches to carbon offsets.

Their website has links to the carbon offsets the Suzuki people consider to be good. I infer that all carbon offsets are not created equal.

Further exploration of carbon offsets to follow. There is a lot of information on the Suzuki Foundation's website. I'm almost afraid to start using their free carbon calculators to see how bad I've been, but avoidance is no solution. It's not about what I have done in the past, it's about what I do now and in the future.

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